Team Mastery

Four steps to create a high-performance team with the potential to create extraordinary results together.

Create extraordinary results with Team Mastery

Welcome to my signature program ‘ Team Mastery. The program is based on neuroscience and behavioral systems theory and is designed to actually get implemented. On this page you can read more about the background of the program, the content and what you can expect to get out of it. 

Team Mastery program Leadinspire

Create a High Performance Team

Team Mastery consists of four modules. Module 1-3 can be booked as independent modules. There is a thought behind the order of the module for the tools to be presented in an ideal order. It can of course be adjusted to fit your needs. 

1. Trust

The first part of the program focuses on trust/psycological safety and communication.

Module 1 consists of 2 primary activities:
#1 We will make an assessment of current team success/performance to ensure that progress can be measured. This assessment will be repeated at the end of the program.
#2 Based on the toolbox from Conversational Intelligence©, you get tools to understand trust og how you increase the trust in daily conversations. You also get tools to increase trust in the team generally.

With high trust, you can do almost anything. With no trust you can do almost nothing.

Team Mastery figur Trust
Team Mastery figur Team dynamic

2. Team Dynamic

In the second module, we work with community and team dynamics. Based on systems theory, you learn as a group to create dynamics that are designed to help you meet your goals. We create a common foundation for the team’s behavior and you get understanding of how individual members influence team behavior. Module 2 is the most extensive of the four modules and the content is tailored to the team’s needs. Among other things, we answer the question: “How should we be together to create good results?” Working with team dynamics is both easy and fun.

3. Time Mastery

The third module is a toolbox for high productivity. It is time to create good results in less or the same time. Both individually and as a team. To be successful as a team, you need direction, concrete and well-defined goals, more focus and fewer distractions, continuous feedback and adjustment. You will be presented with a lot of research in the field and a strong toolbox to achieve your goals. We also touch on personal recharging strategies so you can perform at a high level over time.

Team MAstery figur time mastery
Team Mastery figur level up

4. Level up

The fourth and last module in the course is about integrating, expanding and adjusting the learning from the first three modules. In order to make the learning lasting and sustainable and to build on that foundation, we make a plan for the future together, so you build on top of it instead of starting from scratch. Among other things, we talk about onboarding new members for your learning, updating your behavioral code and other tools we have worked with throughout the tree modules. In addition, you get a toolbox for good and conscious meetings (=Smart Meetings). We repeat the trust assessment from module one and look at your results.

A team with a strong WE performs better

Some of the challenges my clients experience when there is a lack of a strong WE are:

  • Employees, with good intention, who get in each other´s way
  • Teams that on paper look awesome but does not perform accordingly
  • The leader doesn’t know how to grow a high-performance team and don’t know where to get started
  • They ‘settle’ and become in doubt whether they have what it takes, because high performance teams are rare
  • Employees working on their ‘own stuff’

It doesn’t have to be like this. There are proven ways to grow a high performance team that consistently delivers outstanding results. 

This program is not for everyone!

If you or your team members are not willing to invest in the process and make an honest attempt to implement the tools, then there is no reason to invest in the program. In return, I promise that content and structure make it as easy as possible to implement.

Onboarding of new employees is taken into account during the program. 

Figur fra hvad nu hvis din kollega var en guldskovl
Team Mastery Lone

Results you can expect

You can trust that you get the right building blocks in the right order to grow a high-performance team that can create extraordinary results together and have fun!


  • A team with a strong WE
  • Get a high-performance team based on trust
  • A constant clear direction and ability to re-direct resources and actions towards the most current goals
  • A feeling of team-spirit and sense-of belonging to something important
  • The team members would find it difficult to leave the team, as these high-performance team conditions are rare.
  • Team members feel important and valued

The quality of your results will be 100% dependent of your ability and willingness to implement. Leadinspire will commit to support and coach all the way.

Content in the 4 modules

Module 1 -  Trust

This 1-2-day workshop is also offered individually

When the quality of the daily conversations is increased the quality of the work and related activities will also improve. 

I often say;

With high trust, you can do almost anything. With no trust you can do almost nothing.

  • Assessment of current team success/performance
  • Understand the brains pitfalls in communication
  • Learn to conduct high-trust, inspiring conversations based on neuroscience
    • You will learn the ‘Ladder of conclusions’ – what happens in the brain when you communicate
    • You will learn ‘The neuroscience of trust’ – how your brains chemistry and trust are related
    • You will learn The Conversational Dashboard™ – how you can diagnose and move conversations from low trust to high trust
  • More TRUST in the team through the TRUST-WE model
  • Anchor the new tools with a feedback loop in daily work

NB! The conversational tools work in all relationships, also at home!

Why is trust important?

Google performed a study of 180 teams to understand what elements were critical to grow high performance teams. They found 5 critical elements and 1 stood out more clearly than the others: ‘psychological safety’. Google found that teams with psychological safe environments had employees who were less likely to leave, more likely to harness the power of diversity, and ultimately, who were more successful. A psychological safe environment can be created through the daily conversations.

The brain is not always our friend

The brain is not always our friend when we want to build great relationships. Based on neuroscience you will learn og the brain interprets and decodes messages from other people and why this process often changes the perception of the content in the conversation.

Your results are dependent on the quality of your culture. The quality of your culture is dependent on the quality of your relationships. The quality of your relationships is dependent on the quality of your conversations

(Judith E. Glaser)

Module 2 -  Team Dynamic

This 2 - 3 day workshop in team dynamic is also offered separately. It does not have to be consecutive days. 

Here are some of the topics we cover in this module.

  • Uncover and share current individual user manuals - What you should know about me to work with me! You get to know each other in an open and 'non-boxing' way.
  • You are introduced to Relation Systems intelligence (RSI) and the difference between this and social- and emotional intelligence.
  • You are introduced to a systemic change model
  • We work with RSI Meta skills
  • We work with team roles, both functional and behavioral roles.
  • Learn team toxins and how to adjust (blaming, defensiveness, contempt and stone-walling)
  • Define team code
  • And much more.

The tools are customized for the needs of the team.

Why team dynamics are relevant?

The google study showed more interesting findings than psychological safety and you will find that the main findings from the google study are included in this program. I have listed their key findings below and links to the relevant steps/modules in the program. You will also see that their findings are a combination of individual and team focus areas. 

What are the 5 essentials elements?

The 5 essential elements from the google study of 180 teams are as follows:

  1. Dependability: team members get things done on time and meet expectations
  2. Structure and clarity: high-performance teams have clear goals, and have well-defined roles within the group.
  3. Meaning: the work has personal significance to each member.
  4. Impact: the group believes their work is purposeful and positively impacts the greater good.
  5. Psychological safety.

Module 3 -  Time Mastery

This 1½-2 day workshop can be offered separately. It is recommend to have 2 days in a row.

Getting things done in a meaningful way is both fun, rewarding and very productive. The team will learn a complete system that covers the journey from vision, goal setting to daily productivity. We will also learn to increase our self-control and reduce distractions.

  • Learn how to work with goals in 3 months cycles (science shows this is an effective way of working with goals)
  • Learn how to break goals into daily productivity
  • ‘Count tomatoes' – what value do team tasks/activities provide and how to insure that high outcome tasks are prioritized
  • Create more focus and self control
  • Learn about distractions and how to avoid them
  • Recharging strategies. You can only perform on high levels over time you also recharge.
  • Learn to conduct a Learning Loop – look at performance and adjust accordingly
  • You will leave the workshop with a plan to execute the following 3 months.


Do you have clear goals?

As the google study showed dependability (team members get things done on time and meet expectations) and structure/clarity (high-performance teams have clear goals and have well-defined roles within the group) are also critical to high-performance teams.

Module 4 -  Level up

This workshop is only offered together with one ore more of the other modules.

Here are the areas we will work with in a 1-1½ day workshop. It does not have to be 2 consecutive days.


  • Smart Meetings toolbox. The Smart Meetings toolbox will give you the tools to integrate your learnings in your meetings. It will help you stay on track with goals, facilitate creative conversations through multiple conversational strategies and integrated a feedback loop.
  • Evaluate quality of communication and behavior + plan for adjustment.
  • Evaluate and refine behavioral code and user manual from module 2
  • Set the goals for the next 3 months
  • Define an on-boarding process for team members
  • We will make an assessment of current team success/performance to evaluate progress (this was also conducted during or before module #1)
  • Create a yearly evaluation cycle to ensure ongoing focus on all the critical building blocks to grow a high-performance team.

This module is absolutely essential for long-term and sustainable success. The module is designed to ensure that the learning in modules 1 - 3 is not wasted when changes occur. It should help lift learning to the next level. All the tools are in place and now they must be used again and again.

Do you want to create extraordinary results together with others?

It is not meaningful to conduct the same work several times, but it is meaningful to become better at something. This module helps you implement a learning look into daily work for individuals and the team.

What do you do, when you experience change?

This module is essential for long-term and sustainable success. If you would like to capitalize and benefit from high performance over time, then you should integrate a learning loop into everyday activities. What do we do when we get new colleagues? How do we adjust our behavior to new challenges and new goals? How do we change direction when our priorities change?

Why now?

Well, there is no such thing as perfect timing, but there is a lot of joy and excitement when you ‘look forward to’ something. Do you recall how you looked forward to your last big vacation? This is how it feels to look forward to something special and you can give your team this feeling. Let´s get started now and craft a plan to move your team towards a high-performance team with the Team Mastery program. It will not happen overnight, but you can feel comfortable that you are on the right track with the right plan.

Give me a call at +45 22910391 or use the contact form below to know more.

Why Leadinspire?

Maybe you have meet me at a workshop or one of my many speaking engagements and then you probably know already if we are a good fit. I love to work with smart people and help them to engage in effective and meaningful relationships at work. I have received more than 500 hours of training in neuroscience, trust, behavior and high performance and I have conducted more than 1000 hours of direct client work. This does not include speaking and self-study such as reading books.

The best feedback I get from my clients is:
• This is usable and easy to implement
• I can use this immediately
• Not academic and theoretical, but still founded in science.

If you are in doubt, lets meet and see if we would be a good match working together to grow a sustainable high-performance team.

You can see what other people are saying here: Testimonials